2022 Canberra ASC Club Championships

Our Return To Gungahlin Leisure Centre

Our club championships will be conducted on the 11th of September 2022 and we are excited that this will be our first meet back on our home pool deck at Gungahlin Leisure Centre.

All of our competitive swimmers are encouraged to participate in the club championships and we hope to make this year’s particularly special given the difficulties of the past couple of years.

The programme and flyer for the meet, which includes details on how the various age champions are determined, is available on this link and entries are open and online only through this direct link to the meet on Swim Central.

Note that the age up date for this meet is 30 March 2022. This date marks the end of the summer season and is the age up date used by the club regardless of when the club championships meet is conducted. In some years the meet is delayed for whatever reason (such as pandemic, pool closure, openings in the calendar etc.) but for consistency from year to year the same age up date is used.

Any enquiries about the meet should be directed to our race secretary by email to racesecretary@canberra.org.au.

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